Fade out

I watched intently
As the edges of your lips
Curled as you uttered the words
“I Love You”.

I watched
And watched
And watched
And watched
And watched.

I watched you long enough
To see your curled lips
Fade into a hard line.

Tonight, I Write

Tonight, I do not write the saddest lines, like Neruda, But I do write in grief; A grief so cold and dark that I am compelled to question my own existence.
How is it even possible for a human being to bear a grief such as this? I haven’t the slightest Idea.
But I do know this, the days have grown cold; the nights, colder. There is something missing inside yet I feel so heavy with all these thoughts.
I lost love and happiness in the same manner that I found them;
Abrupt, Unknowingly, Unprepared

Tonight, I do not write to forget, nor do I write to remember. I write to fill the void within me. I write in the hope that the flow of ink will rid me of my sorrows.

Tonight, I write because I miss her, because it shoots through me a million times- The mere thought of her kiss, her touch, her smile, her voice, her whole being- Like a soldier gets shot with bullets.
All these forces ripping the two of us apart, pushing us to the opposite poles.

Tonight, I write. Pen in hand. The seven seas are flowing down my cheeks, dripping on my canvas, while the song of the oceans lull her in to deep slumber, deeper than the maiden pricked by a spindle.

Tonight, I write. Eyes closed. Marching into battle, armed only with the dream of her, by my side once more.

I do not write beautifully, yet it is beauty that I write of, her beauty, her beauty that radiates, shaming the rays of the morning sun and the midnight moonbeam.

Tonight, I write because I love her, truly, deeply, madly, ever-so sincerely.

Tonight, I write to you now directly….
Darling dearest, our time was short, stolen from us.
Darling dearest, I long for the day when we can be reunited in each others arms.
Darling dearest, I long for your sweet words, your spicy kisses, your warm, frothy hugs.
Darling dearest, I Love You-so much, I Miss You-like crazy, I Need You-here beside me, I Want You-to stay.