Sleep. Dream. Wake Up.

We’ve winked a hundred winks
Slept a hundred sleeps
And yet here we still are
Hoping for what seems to be a lost cause

Maybe we shouldn’t just be hoping
And dreaming in our little safe corner
Maybe we should open the door, the windows,
Our hearts, our minds.
Maybe we should let the light in
or go outside
And make our life better, ourselves.

Maybe it’s time for us to wake up
Time for us to stand up
And walk forward.

Names Written Down

They may not know it,

but somewhere,

Hanging on a string,

Along with thousands of other papers,

Their names are written down,

Five young women

Who changed someone’s life.


People may not know who they are,

But when they see those names,

Written as though a kid wrote it

On that scrap of paper,

They will know,

That these young women

Mean a great deal to someone.


It may not be so,

But I’d like to think

That when written down

And clipped to the string,

These names are also written among the stars;

Forever shining bright,

Guiding those who have lost sight of their way.


Brittle, Frail, and Bitter Heart

Sitting on a throne of clouds,

Getting hit by arrows of lightning.

Setting mighty flames

Upon the demons inside my soul.

Breaking the mirror

Where I see the monster I have become.

Cutting the strings to a heart

Which can no longer pump

Love into my system.


Hunted by familiar ghosts.


Running further and further away,

Still being chased by nightfall.

I was Alpha.

You were Omega.

Now, here I am,

Too scared to love,

Too scarred to love.

Tables will keep on turning.

The film will keep on rolling.

I step out of my throne in the sky.

I let gravity consume my whole being.
