Sleep. Dream. Wake Up.

We’ve winked a hundred winks
Slept a hundred sleeps
And yet here we still are
Hoping for what seems to be a lost cause

Maybe we shouldn’t just be hoping
And dreaming in our little safe corner
Maybe we should open the door, the windows,
Our hearts, our minds.
Maybe we should let the light in
or go outside
And make our life better, ourselves.

Maybe it’s time for us to wake up
Time for us to stand up
And walk forward.


I am drunk out of thoughts of you, thoughts of a past reality.
But now it seems nothing more than a hazy dream.

I am reminded of how your lips tasted like nicotine and brandy,
That night our souls first kissed, that night I surrendered completely.

I would wake up with hangovers from memories of the night before,
And get out of bed, hungry for your presence.
I would abandon my needs just to fast forward to being with you.

I would trade sleep and stay up until three in the morning,
Just in case you’d wake up and find that you need me.

When graced with your company, the hours spent with you
Would slip through my fingers, like water.
In a blink of an eye, I was back to being drunk and hungover from mere memories.

But if I had to count back on all those past realities,
I would easily find them out-numbered
By all those moments I sat in a corner
Just thinking of you.