Bittersweet Escapes

Earphones in.

Music on.

Shut the world out.

Sweet sound waves,
Take her anywhere but here,
Take her anywhere but near
This familiar place where she
Built her life upon a melody.


Light it up.


Breathe out.

Between her lips,
The wick to her life;
Burning, slowly consumed to the tip.
Filling her lungs with blissful death.
Sparing her mind from sorrow.

One slash.

A thump.

An everlasting black.

She was finally free
from the earthly bonds where she
was drowning from infinite notions
And heavy pent up emotions.
With a single sharp cut, she escaped.

Just One Stick

“Just one stick”

I mutter to myself

I can’t let go of Nicotine

Like I can’t let go of you

It keeps me sane

It keeps you with me

In my baffled head

My shattered heart

My shriveled lungs



But you are with me

And those memories


Like the tip of the cigarette


Blown away

Like the smoke that comes with it

Consumed to tip

Like my clench on reality

“Just…one last”

This will not be the first I have said that